The term traceability is described in the International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology as follows:
"It refers to the characteristics of a standard value or measurement result that can be associated with a clear standard (national or international standard) through a clearly described and uninterrupted connection link of the comparison, and all uncertainties are clearly described."
In addition, the NIST Handbook 150 of the US explains it as "A documented comparison link that connects the accuracy of a measurement equipment to other measurement equipments with higher accuracy and ultimately to a primary standard" adding to the traceability of measurement equipments. Therefore, when it is desired to prove traceability to acquire KOLAS accreditation, the calibration laboratories shall be supported by uninterrupted comparison link to national standards. Additionally such link shall be supported by inherent uncertainty, assurance of the measurement process, continuous standard maintenance, proper calibration procedures and standard handling.
Measurement is the basis for the production of goods and services, and national measurement standards are the basis for industrial and social structures. Measuring standard is the basis of manufacturing process, product testing, health and safety, environment monitoring, food processing, adoption of new technologies, scientific advancement and fair trade in the domestic economy.
The traceability of measurements is also related to the accuracy of the measuring instrument. The indication value of the measuring instrument or the result given by the instrument must be accurate in the physical unit in which the measurement is made and ultimately requires traceability with the measurement standard through calibration for the basic realization of the unit.
In the global market, product testing and suitability are continuously in demand for international approval to which results in traceability to the international measurement standards are required.